Practice Growth Suite

Powerful solutions to boost your production and make your patients the center of attention with easier booking, faster check-ins, and optimized schedules.

Practice growth hero image

Let the Numbers Speak


New patient visits one customer received within 6 weeks.


Appointments scheduled in 60 days at 373 practice locations using Reserve with Google.

$15k +

Per practice incremental revenue after using our Practice Growth suite for 60 days.

What’s Included?

Product interface shot of the "Book Online" button from practice's Google Business Profile.

More Patients, More Often

Make it easy for patients to find your practice online and book an appointment with Reserve with Google. 24/7 scheduling gives patients the convenience of booking whenever, wherever.

image of visitor makes booking directly through her phone

Booking Made Easy

Say goodbye to tedious processes. Our card scanning technology lets patients scan their ID and insurance cards, automatically extracts the text and saves it to their record.

image of patient checking into practice

See Patients Sooner

Discover key insights from our appointment capacity report that equips you to optimize patient flow, reduce no-shows, and shorten appointment lead times.

Suite Requirements

The Practice Growth Suite is compatible with Dentrix, Dentrix Ascend, Dentrix Enterprise, Open Dental, Eaglesoft, Denticon, Cloud 9. Your practice will need a Google Business Profile.


What Customers are Saying

Mike Murphy Chief Marketing Officer, DECA Dental Group
Offering seamless 24/7 access for appointment booking in real-time has been a game-changer. Now, with Reserve with Google, the process is further streamlined, making it effortlessly convenient for individuals seeking care to secure appointments, even on Saturdays, across our expansive coast-to-coast network of dental offices.

Contact Us to Get Started

Boost your production and make your patients the center of attention with easier booking, faster check-ins, and optimized schedules.